My name is Lauren DeLeary. I live In Nashville, TN with my husband Adam and our dog Patchouli. My husband and I met on the road as we toured the world as a band. Our last album won a Juno Award in 2019 for best Christian Album of the year. We’ve since stopped doing music full time and I now release music under my solo artist name, Bineshi. Now, full time, I am a writer and speaker. I document my life as a spiritual being living a human experience. I am a mentor and life coach, helping people navigate spirituality, deconstruction of faith, creativity, sustainability and the relationships they have throughout life. I co-host a podcast with my husband called Deconstruct where we breakdown topics like mental health, religion and faith, feminism, equality, purity culture and love.
What do you do for fun?
I am lucky to do what I enjoy as work. But outside of the podcast, writing and mentorships, I also enjoy photography. It started with just photos for myself, but I quickly learned that Nashville is full of people needing content. So over the last year, I’ve offered my services in this way as well! I think it also needs to be said that I absolutely love traveling and miss doing that so much. Without tour, and with the pandemic - I’ve really been missing that. Another thing I love to do for fun is eat. I am vegan and love exploring new foods, recipes and local shops that offer the latest new vegan foods.
What famous person, living or dead, would you want to take a road trip with?
I feel like this answer may always change anytime I answer this sort of thing. However, right now I think it would be Miley Cyrus. Just have a feeling we would get along very well. We have a lot in common and I think we’d enjoy similar experiences.
What is your all time favorite meal?
I love all asian food. From Thai to Chinese; Indian to Japanese… I love it all and can never get enough.
What is your favorite workout/exercise routine?
I grew up as a dancer and runner actually. So I always thought cardio was my favorite kind of workout. But as I have gotten older, I realize I don’t like to make dancing a workout. Like to just keep that fun. Now, I really love pushing weights. It's very new for me, but my goal is to get stronger, gain muscle and push myself harder than I ever have. I am petite and have goals to see what changes I can see in my body by switching it up.
2020 was a super crazy year! What types of self care have you found to be most helpful for you?
Crying. Sounds ridiculous at first, but I think we are taught so much to “get passed” feelings that we end up suppressing so much emotion. That eventually causes havoc not only on your emotional and mental health, but your body as well. I have learned that crying can sometimes feel hard or scary in the moment, but if you allow yourself to feel… you can also then be able to healthily grow, move on or then take action. I have learned to feel my feelings rather than just thinking about my feelings.
Do you follow any certain type of diet? If so, what drew you to that diet?
Yep! I have been vegan for almost 6 years. Original intent is very big for me. I initially researched veganism in order to prove it wrong, because I so badly didn’t want to be vegan. I loved meat and cheese. However, after months and months of research - I discovered that eating plant based is incredibly beneficial to your body and not dangerous like it had once been portrayed to me. So, I went vegan for optimal health, and stayed vegan for the environmental and ethical reasons.
Do you have trouble drinking plain water?
Totally. I tell everyone about Everly. Who doesn’t want water to taste actually good while also having amazing benefits like extra hydration and nutrients.
Besides Everly, do you have any tips to share on how you stay hydrated?
If I am drinking coffee or alcohol, I try to match whatever I drink with at least one glass of water. EX: one glass of wine, one glass of water; two cups of coffee, two cups of water, etc.
What is your favorite flavor of Everly?
I love Fruit Punch! It's sooo tasty.
What time of day do you normally reach for a glass of Everly?
Mornings! I have the Energy mix before workouts. I have the Belly Health when I am not feeling well (drank a lot of it when I had covid actually). And I drink the Hydration one specifically when I am feeling extra thirsty, on my period or hungover. ;)
Have you tried or made one of your own Everly recipes?
Oh yes! When I was sick with covid, I mixed lemon juice/slices, homemade elderberry syrup and Belly Health (Fruit Punch) together every single day at least once. Sometimes, at night I will even just mix a Bubly with one of my mixes and it tastes delicious!
Where can people find you online?
@laurendeleary - everywhere and my website
Photos by Lauren DeLeary
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