Hi! My name is Crystal and I am from a small town in Massachusetts, (about 45mins from Boston). I am a graphic designer for a sporting goods company and love the work I do! I am always happiest when I am outside soaking up the sun by the water with friends and family. I also love to draw, paint, illustrate, lift, and play softball recreationally with my friends that I have played with since we were all kids!
Describe your dream vacation.
Dream vacation is to visit Hawaii someday! I love to travel, but one of my favorite places in the world is Nantucket MA. I go to the island every fall to shorecast on Great Point among the seals and wildlife. I have been doing it since I was a little girl with my family. I am my happiest and most relaxed "me" on Nantucket!
What TV show could you watch on repeat, why?
Definitely The Office. My husband and I have watched it through countless times and it never stops being hilarious. We can quote so many episodes! I also always go-to food shows like Diners Drive-Ins and Dives, and The Chef Show. I love to see people cook what they love from all over the world and try to adapt it into my own cooking!
Would you rather have something sweet or salty?
Salty hands down! I have never had much of a sweet tooth besides occasionally craving dark chocolate or mint chocolate. Put a charcuterie board in front of me though and I am a happy lady! If I go to reach for a snack it's almost always something crunchy/salty.
What is your favorite workout/exercise routine?
I currently am following a strength based program, but since I started my journey to health about 2.5 years ago I have always focused on lifting and strength training. I love it! About a year ago, I also started to incorporate "3 mile Thursdays" into my routine. I run 3mi every Thursday as a way to really challenge myself since running has never been a strength of mine. I love the challenge!
Do you have a specific health goal for 2021?
To stay committed to prioritizing my health and happiness. I workout 5x a week and on my off days I still try to get in a 30 min walk because it always feels so nice to get some fresh air and move!
Do you follow any certain type of diet? If so, what drew you to that diet?
I eat mindfully now. It took a long time to get here. Started counting points, then calories, then realized I can truly listen to my body and hunger cues and eat what makes me feel best. Good food, good mood! Most of the time I eat healthy balanced meals. I usually ask myself "is this going to make me feel good when I am done eating it" and "is this going to fuel me best for my workouts" and if the answer is no, I think about if it's really something I want. Of course I also eat more indulgent meals and portions a couple times a week, but being very honest with myself has helped so much in finally feeling like I can eat without tracking every single bite. That's not to say it was easy getting there! I had to unlearn a lot of bad habits around food, and tracking everything was a necessary tool for me for a long time.

Do you have trouble drinking plain water?
Not really! I will chug ice water all day (I always aim for a gallon).
Besides Everly, do you have any tips to share on how you stay hydrated?
Get yourself a cup or bottle you really love and that you know you will consistently use. For me it needs to have a straw, and be large enough to hold a good amount but not too large that it's annoying to carry around all day. Also fitting into cup holders and keeping ice for hours is a huge must!
What is your favorite flavor of Everly and what time of day do you normally reach for a glass of Everly?
I love the Pomegranate Berry Energy mix! I drink it before every workout. I also have found it's a great pick me up after a long day in the sun in the summertime. Especially if you have had a few adult beverages! ;) I always have it in my beach bag.
Have you tried or made one of your own Everly recipes?
I have not yet, I will be coming up with maybe a summer recipe soon!
Where can people find you online?
You can find me on instagram @goodreturnfit and I also have a website goodreturnfit.com with some apparel and stickers fully designed by me!
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